Freedom of Information in the news – week ending 25/2/22 – #FOIFriday
The many ongoing impacts of the pandemic are likely to be seen in many areas, with knock-on consequences to things like lockdown home schooling or falls in council income from…
The many ongoing impacts of the pandemic are likely to be seen in many areas, with knock-on consequences to things like lockdown home schooling or falls in council income from…
This week highlights how FOI can be used to dig deeper into national headlines, or keep track of local issues, while also identifying a different kind of crime hotspot in…
With the continuing issues plaguing the Met Police, interest in where the police are falling short of the standards they should be meeting is high, and FOI is highlighting some…
This week, potential uses of FOI include finding the hotspots for the issues that really annoy people, and digging into the information that doesn’t make the official stats. Cancelled appointments…
Sometimes the FOI request you sent in weeks ago turns out to be more timely that you might have anticipated it being (the long wait for response means it's not…
Actually on a Friday this week. And with a reminder that you don't always need an FOI to get the information you want. Sometimes knowing what is published can make…
A new year, and a potential opportunity to start doing things differently. If doing journalism differently this year is one of the things you're hoping to change, then I'm planning…